Contract Logistics and Transport 2011 also signed the new legislation
After the economic renewed last December 17 was also part of legislation signed the contract for logistics and transport. Tuesday January 26, 2011 the unions signed an agreement with the employers' associations. The new contract logistics
last three years ending December 31, 2012, provides important innovations including the establishment, within the next few weeks, a committee of 9 members and employers of part 9 of the unions with the aim of ensuring greater competitiveness for trucking companies and to provide quantitative and qualitative growth factor work. "Despite the difficulties of negotiating a contract renewal in the midst of crisis and in an increasingly competitive market, we managed to reconcile the expectations and interests of workers and enterprises," said Eleuterio Arcese, president of Anita. "Now, together with trade unions, we must ensure that the common view to reducing the cost of the work is done swiftly." "It's result underlines the important political-Anita-strongly backed by the trucking associations to open in the next contract renewal a special section dedicated to the sector. Employers and trade union parties also undertook an audit of the sustainability of economic agreements with the aim of supporting the competitiveness of companies, as regards the increases until the contract expires, they will not be considered in determining institutions of the Fourteenth contract, overtime and holidays.
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