Thursday, November 11, 2010

Picnik Quotes About Couples

Funding for ports dell 'Emilia Romagna

arrive funding for the ports of 'Emilia-Romagna. The Committee on land, environment and infrastructure of the region gave a positive opinion on two decisions of the Executive, with two million euro, financed some ports of the coast of Emilia-Romagna. The first measure gives the regional resources (one million and € 900 thousand) for the construction of works and maintenance, ordinary and extraordinary, of ports, including the seabed. The funding, according to the criteria defined by the region to establish priorities (greater urgency, continuation of work already in progress, improving the capabilities of the port, safety and airworthiness), this year go to the ports of Rimini, Cattolica and Goro . The first receives one million and 28 000 € for works to improve navigation in the vicinity of the port channel; Catholic will have € 402,000 for the maintenance of the port channel; Goro € 470,000 to build the access road to the marina. The second act instead gives € 100,000 to cover the costs of lighting, cleaning, signage (road and shipping services) of the port areas. Regional funds are distributed as follows: € 13,590 Catholic; Cesenatico € 30,300, € 21,260 Goro, Comacchio € 19,940, € 14,910 Rimini.


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