Rates porterage province of Chieti in the year 2011 2012
have been published in the Official Gazette No. 29 of February 5, 2011 Decree of 22/12/2010 on the minimum fees for porterage services in the province of Chieti for the biennium 2011-2012: Performance
1 - work in economics in general (foods, textiles,
clothing, footwear, etc..)
a) € 15.50 / h + VAT year 2011
b) Euro 15.80 / h + VAT in 2012
2 - work in economics to refer to products
manufacturing industries for the manufacture and processing of metals (
engineering, steel, etc.).
non-metallic minerals (ceramics, wood, glass, toys) and paper industries:
a) Euro 15.75 / h + VAT year 2011
b) Euro 16.25 / h + VAT in 2012
3 - Work in economics refer to products of the chemical, petrochemical
, energy, research and oil and gas production as well as' cost
the work of removal and handling of goods by crane:
a) € 16.50 / h + VAT year 2011
b) Euro 17.00 / h + VAT in 2012. The hourly rate
will be 'increased the size of
25% for night work;
50% for holiday work;
60% for night work, holidays;
50% for employment of less than 4 hours a day;
30% for overtime accumulated with
percentage provided for night work, weekend, holiday and night-
lower at 4 hours per day as determined above, using the
specific case.
The above rates are inclusive of both the charge for both institutions
contractual security contributions, and management.
is still awaiting the publication of tariffs porterage london for the years 2011-2012.
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